intersecting worlds above + below
in service to Life.
Every day begs the noble question–how do we live + work in alignment with our authentic selves? When our life is steered by purpose, we care for ourselves, our communities, and our Earth; we are able to regenerate beyond our wildest imagination. In creating coherence between our inner and outer worlds, we can discover the immense beauty and wisdom that ripples from each individual action, every singular thought. And when we connect with our inherent gifts and power, we can co-create beautiful futures together.
welcome to home—body
A multidimensional platform filled with curated conversations, sessions, events, courses, and workshops that intersect the stellar, the mythopoetic, the practical, and the creative to nurture the design of more regenerative lives and systems–helping you build a courageous life you love on this planet. And when we cultivate regeneration, we can embody expansive ways of being + working with mutual compassion + flourishing.
what lights our path
To have courage is to have heart. We do all things in reverence for and in alignment with our hearts, so we can encourage you to do the same. On the home–body podcast, host Mary Grace Allerdice and guests seek to ask and answer life’s big questions in pursuit of regenerativity, with conversations centered around alignment, spiritual ecology, astrology, and so much more.
With each moment in home–body, we hope to draw you closer to yourself and what you are here to create. You’ll contemplate integrity between your inner and outer worlds, connection to Earth and Spirit, and how to live in multidimensional purpose. Our curated library of resources is intentional magic, here to help you be of service to your sacred ecosystem of desires. We think of it like a garden in bloom, with abundance, meaningful work, and reciprocity at every turn.
Our purpose is never rooted in us alone; we can only build regenerative lives when we connect with others. The home–body newsletter will share with you the latest conversations, curations, and events that sustain our community.
When our lives are regenerative and aligned, we can restore and renew, weaving life and work together into a symbiotic thread. There are myriad ways to explore our collective consciousness as multidimensional beings; we’ve developed this library of purposeful resources for you, encouraging you toward creative and impactful lives supported by beautiful rhythms.
You are the embodiment of life, and so you are deserving of love and joy in your fullest expression. This corner of the internet is designed to foster just that. Here, you are already home.