Secret, Sacred, Small
We started this season reflecting on the house of the goddess, and now we end where we began — carrying water medicine and the wisdom of Her with us into the summer sun.
Beauty is Everything
A few months ago I had a vision — that too many of us are living lives we regret, and it leaves us with endless longing and confusion.
When I asked for the antidote, the response was profound — Live a beautiful life. That’s all we can do. Live a beautiful life.
In this episode, I share my vision and offer reflections on why beauty is everything. Tune in for support and inspiration to release regret and align your life with truth + beauty.
the Magic of the Third △
Today, I explore one of my personal codes and symbols – the number three and the concept of the third.
Tune in to this episode to learn how the three or the third gives us a code for understanding humanity’s current chapter, as well as how we can become more skillful in what seem to be increasingly polarized situations or realities
Water as a Living Being w–Aishath Huda
Today Aishath Huda joins us to share her lifelong connection with water and how it has shaped her creative process and perception as an artist. In this conversation about art, nature, and experience, we explore the fluidity of more-than-human consciousness and the impact that abstracting water has on humanity and climate literacy.
Aishath Huda is a Chicago-based visual artist from the Maldives. She makes work that investigates the relationship between bodies and the environment in both the local and the ecological sense. Her most recent work addresses the many ways water is abstracted through ethics and aesthetics, how this affects climate literacy, and how climate literacy is connected to human and more-than-human relations.
Orienting Toward Your Destiny Through Stone Medicine Healing w—Sarah Thomas
We’re joined by long-time stone medicine alchemist and healer, Sarah Thomas. Together we delve into the ancestral healing power of stones and crystals and how they can help us on the journey to the fulfillment of destiny.
Sarah is a healer, acupuncturist and educator who is immersed in the clinical and academic experience of ancient stone medicine and future crystal technologies. Sarah is the lead instructor at the Upper Clarity School and founded North Carolina's first mineral studies program. Sarah's Dao is to resurrect the vast and uncharted potential of healing and awakening with stones.
Embracing the Seasons of Our Body & Our Planet w— Rebecca Magee, founder of Sister Seasons
We welcome Rebecca Magee of Sister Seasons to share her knowledge of how women and menstruators can honor themselves and the planet through cycle awareness practices.
Together, we discuss how observing the cycles of our bodies and the natural world can foster a profound sense of belonging and connection with nature. Rebecca also introduces the concept of viewing the Earth as a sister rather than a mother, and she encourages us to explore the parallels between our experiences and the planet’s.
Unveiling the Cosmos w—Amaya Rourke
Today, we welcome folk witch, astrologer + spirit worker Amaya Rourke to share her knowledge about how lunar cycles, fixed stars and the force of water shape our lives.
Amaya begins the episode with stories of ancient civilizations’ connection to the night sky and cosmic ocean. Then we reflect on the power of fluidity and surrender, and consider how moon cycles can guide and transform our lives. We close with a discussion of fixed stars and their capacity to change our relationship with astrology.
Many Mothers + Many Lifetimes: Ancestral Connection w–Perdita Finn
In this episode, Perdita Finn shares her knowledge of empowering individuals to activate their own magic with the help of their ancestors.
Together, we talk about connecting with the dead, the battle against matriarchal wisdom, and reclaiming both the power of the rosary and the significance of our relationship with the unknown.
Mercury in Water Signs w—Erin Tack Shipley
In this episode, we explore Mercury's influence in water signs with the astrologer, writer and ritual strategist Erin Tack Shipley.
Life as Sacred Ritual — Embracing the Luminous Self w—Tracee Stanley
In this episode, writer, yoga teacher & spiritual practitioner Tracee Stanley joins us to shares her wisdom for reintegrating with the true Self.
Icons + Idols — Ancient Goddess Wisdom for the Modern Age w—Gabriela Gutierrez
In this episode, Gabriela Gutierrez takes us on a captivating journey through the world of imagery, religious symbolism, and the goddess in ancient Europe.
Water Medicine + the House of the Goddess w—grace
Welcome to a new season of home—body podcast. Our themes for this season are Water and the Third House. In this episode, I’m sharing what these themes mean to me and why I’m bringing them to the center of the podcast right now. If you’re thirsty for more aliveness, more wildness, more soulfulness, more life, this season is for you. Join me in this episode + subscribe to find more flow, more receptivity + more magic.
exploring the dark houses — the 12th house w— Bear Ryver
Learn all about the 12th House in Astrology
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio + New Moon in Taurus : May 2023 Astrology Forecast w— Mo Olufemi
Full Moon in Leo / New Moon in Pisces / Mercury in Aquarius / Sun in Pisces / Venus in Aries / Venus-Neptune Conjunction
exploring the dark houses — the 2nd house with Rob Bailey
Learn all about the 2nd House in Astrology
Full Moon in Libra + Solar Eclipse in Aries — April 2023 Astrology Forecast w— Zamboni Funk
Mercury in Taurus / Full Moon in Libra / Venus in Gemini /
Sun - Jupiter conjunction in Aries / Solar Eclipse in Aries / Sun in Taurus / Mercury Retrograde
the Magician w— Sean Nguyen-Hilton + Hez Stalcup
two artists — Sean Hilton + Hez Stalcup — share their perspectives, experiences and wisdom for the Tarot Major Arcana card, the Magician.
Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius + Mars in Cancer — Astrology Forecast March 2023
Saturn in Pisces / Pluto in Aquarius / Mars in Cancer / Venus in Taurus / Mercury in Pisces + Aries / New Moon in Aries / Full Moon in Virgo
Art is a Powerful Medicine + Oracle for the Earth w— Laura Zuspan
Artist, oracle, + dharma witch Laura Zuspan joins us to talk about the Tarot, the healing power of art + why Buddhism is helpful for witches. We also discuss the Cantigee Oracle — an ecological spiritual guide + creative prompt deck.
Full Moon in Leo + New Moon in Pisces — February 2023 Astrology Forecast w— Mo Olufemi
Full Moon in Leo / New Moon in Pisces / Mercury in Aquarius / Sun in Pisces / Venus in Aries / Venus-Neptune Conjunction