Redefining Acts of Service through Connection w— Amelia Hruby

“What are systems for collecting care and resources so that pouring back into those is just a part of how we live our lives?”

Can service be pleasurable? How do I take care of myself while caring for others? These questions often take center stage in our conversations about self-care, providing services, creating businesses and making change. In today’s episode, Amelia Hruby + Mary Grace unpack the relationship between our connections + service — how they inform one other + how they help us envision lives that are more in alignment with who we are.

Amelia Hruby is a feminist writer, speaker & founder of podcast studio Softer Sounds. Over the past decade, she’s been a a university professor, a community organizer, and a radio DJ. Now she helps babes get their voices off social media & onto the airwaves.

Redefining Acts of Service through Connection
mary grace allerdice + Amelia Hruby

we discuss

  • reframing our life as an ecosystem

  • how connection is essential to our full expression

  • is service something “extra” that we do?

  • the relationship to between service to ourselves + service to others

  • why taking care of ourselves doesn’t always happen first

  • how to be of service without being codependent, a martyr or a “savior”

  • the Star card in the Tarot + how it holds a vision of service


8 Resources to Improve your Tarot Readings

Redefining Acts of Service through Connection
mary grace allerdice + Amelia Hruby

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