The Power of Deep Alignment for Beautiful Futures —mary grace allerdice
Deep Alignment / Activism / Climate Crisis / Empowerment for Beautiful Futures / Purpose + Healing / KIN!
New Moon in Capricorn + the High Priestess — Experiment of New Earth
Today I discuss how the Ace of Pentacles + the High Priestess can help us experiment with the structures that support our most powerful flow. I also talk about the main astrology happening in January 2021 and share a personalized, channeled message just for this audience.
A Guided Meditation for the New Year
I share about your expansive divine nature and guide you in a meditation to help you access your own grace + center your heart.
Your Deep Alignment is a Portal
In this episode, I talk about your deep alignment -- what is it, why it's important and the power in your alignment for the world.