Unveiling the Cosmos w—Amaya Rourke
Today, we welcome folk witch, astrologer + spirit worker Amaya Rourke to share her knowledge about how lunar cycles, fixed stars and the force of water shape our lives.
Amaya begins the episode with stories of ancient civilizations’ connection to the night sky and cosmic ocean. Then we reflect on the power of fluidity and surrender, and consider how moon cycles can guide and transform our lives. We close with a discussion of fixed stars and their capacity to change our relationship with astrology.
the Magician w— Sean Nguyen-Hilton + Hez Stalcup
two artists — Sean Hilton + Hez Stalcup — share their perspectives, experiences and wisdom for the Tarot Major Arcana card, the Magician.
Hoodoo for Everyone w— Sherry Shone
Sherry Shone is a Black, Lesbian Hoodoo worker with years of experience helping clients receive deliverance using Hoodoo rituals, products, readings, clearings and classes. She sees Hoodoo as an accessible healing modality that people of all identities can practice responsibly. Her new book, HooDoo for Everyone is Hoodoo, updated: history, foundations, spellwork and spiritual guidance made accessible to everyone, inclusive of all backgrounds and genders; it offers everything you need to understand and responsibly practice Hoodoo: rituals, conjure, rootwork, divination, herbs, plants and ancestor work.
Dancing with Daimons + the Occulted Body w— Alkistis Dimech
The Occulted Body / Erotic Eschatology / Babalon / Re-Wilding Witchcraft /
Full Moon in Aries— Astrology + Energy Forecast October 2021
Full Moon in Aries / Jupiter + Mercury going Direct / Sun in Scorpio / Mars in Scorpio
The Power of Deep Alignment for Beautiful Futures —mary grace allerdice
Deep Alignment / Activism / Climate Crisis / Empowerment for Beautiful Futures / Purpose + Healing / KIN!
Sound Magic, Creative Listening + Connecting to Intuition w — Zaneta Sykes
Sound Magic / Healing from PTSD / Creativity + Intuition / Active Listening / Interconnectedness / Meaningful Expression
Honeybees, Ritual + Sustainable Beeswax Candles — Alysia Mazzella
Honeybees + Sustainability / Beeswax Candles / Ritual / Regenerative Work + Farming / Local Economies
Astrology + Energy Forecast for September 2021
Astrology + Energy Forecast for September 2021
Wildness, Evolutionary Archetypes + Tarot for Choosing the Soul w— Lindsay Mack
Evolving with the Tarot / Building Your Unique Relationship to the Cards / Bringing Wildness to our Intuition / Choosing the Soul in Life + Business
Full Moon in Aquarius — Astrology + Energy Forecast for August 2021
Astrology + Energy Forecast for Full Moon in Aquarius / Sun in Virgo / Mercury in Libra
Authentic Success with (or without) Instagram — Johanna Renoth
Johanna Renoth + Mary Grace talk about Instagram — how they are (or aren't) using it in life + business and some of the "rules" they've broken around how to do business.
New Moon in Leo — Astrology + Energy Forecast August 2021
Astrology + Energy Forecast for New Moon in Leo / Mercury + Mars in Virgo / Venus in Libra
Postcolonial Astrology w— Alice Sparkly Kat
Alice Sparkly Kat on Postcolonial Astrology/ Saturn + power dynamics/ magic in our mundane tasks + experiences/ how Western astrology is not universal
Full Moon in Aquarius — Astrology + Energy Forecast for July 2021
Astrology + Energy Forecast for Full Moon in Aquarius / Sun in Leo / Mercury in Leo / Mars in Virgo / Purpose is Resonance + Resilience
Your Mythic Life + How We Compose Purpose w - mary grace allerdice
We're all walking around with a Myth/ mary grace unpacks the invitation that composing your Myth has for generating more Purpose and what it actually means to have a Story.
New Moon in Cancer — Astrology + Energy Forecast for July 2021
New Moon in Cancer / Mars + Venus conjunct in Leo / Venus in Virgo / the Connecting Love with Activism + Growth
Purpose is a Promise We Make to Ourselves w- mary grace allerdice
Mars + Venus opposite Saturn / Purpose as a Promise We Make to Ourselves
Full Moon in Capricorn— Astrology + Energy Forecast for June 2021
Capricorn Full Moon / Venus in Leo / 3 Landscapes of Purpose
Summer Solstice 2021 - Portals for Life
You are a portal for the impulse of Life.
mary grace takes a look at the astrology for the week ahead — Jupiter stations retrograde, Sun enters Cancer - Solstice + Mercury stations direct. she also invites us to look at our connection to life’s heartbeat of ebb and flow, evaluate the levels of reception + offering and to move towards collective, creative action.