The Power of Deep Alignment for Beautiful Futures —mary grace allerdice
Deep Alignment / Activism / Climate Crisis / Empowerment for Beautiful Futures / Purpose + Healing / KIN!
Honeybees, Ritual + Sustainable Beeswax Candles — Alysia Mazzella
Honeybees + Sustainability / Beeswax Candles / Ritual / Regenerative Work + Farming / Local Economies
Bee Teachings on Resilience + Consensus w— Ang Roell
In this episode, regenerative beekeeper Ang Roell talks with us about how bees teach us about consensus, planning to thrive and the parallels between bee health + human health within our current agricultural system.
Bees Hold Sacred Time + Ritual w— Alysia Mazzella
Today I am joined by Alysia Mazzella -- a traditional beeswax candlemaker and the author of Fourfold the Oracle, an oracle deck she created based on natural cycles of four. She is also the co-founder of Backland Gardens a project in upstate New York focusing on skill shares, education + self-sustainability.
New Moon in Taurus — Astrology + Energy Forecast April 2020
In this week's episode, Mary Grace offers the teacher and support of Taurus.
Beyond Sustainability + Why Soil Health Can Save the Planet w— Kiss the Ground
- Why soil health is so important
- The current, degenerated state of soil and how it got here
- What is soil regeneration - how it impacts the environment + food
- Why sustainability isn’t enough to reverse climate change