Secret, Sacred, Small
We started this season reflecting on the house of the goddess, and now we end where we began — carrying water medicine and the wisdom of Her with us into the summer sun.
Beauty is Everything
A few months ago I had a vision — that too many of us are living lives we regret, and it leaves us with endless longing and confusion.
When I asked for the antidote, the response was profound — Live a beautiful life. That’s all we can do. Live a beautiful life.
In this episode, I share my vision and offer reflections on why beauty is everything. Tune in for support and inspiration to release regret and align your life with truth + beauty.
the Magic of the Third △
Today, I explore one of my personal codes and symbols – the number three and the concept of the third.
Tune in to this episode to learn how the three or the third gives us a code for understanding humanity’s current chapter, as well as how we can become more skillful in what seem to be increasingly polarized situations or realities
Water as a Living Being w–Aishath Huda
Today Aishath Huda joins us to share her lifelong connection with water and how it has shaped her creative process and perception as an artist. In this conversation about art, nature, and experience, we explore the fluidity of more-than-human consciousness and the impact that abstracting water has on humanity and climate literacy.
Aishath Huda is a Chicago-based visual artist from the Maldives. She makes work that investigates the relationship between bodies and the environment in both the local and the ecological sense. Her most recent work addresses the many ways water is abstracted through ethics and aesthetics, how this affects climate literacy, and how climate literacy is connected to human and more-than-human relations.
Orienting Toward Your Destiny Through Stone Medicine Healing w—Sarah Thomas
We’re joined by long-time stone medicine alchemist and healer, Sarah Thomas. Together we delve into the ancestral healing power of stones and crystals and how they can help us on the journey to the fulfillment of destiny.
Sarah is a healer, acupuncturist and educator who is immersed in the clinical and academic experience of ancient stone medicine and future crystal technologies. Sarah is the lead instructor at the Upper Clarity School and founded North Carolina's first mineral studies program. Sarah's Dao is to resurrect the vast and uncharted potential of healing and awakening with stones.
Embracing the Seasons of Our Body & Our Planet w— Rebecca Magee, founder of Sister Seasons
We welcome Rebecca Magee of Sister Seasons to share her knowledge of how women and menstruators can honor themselves and the planet through cycle awareness practices.
Together, we discuss how observing the cycles of our bodies and the natural world can foster a profound sense of belonging and connection with nature. Rebecca also introduces the concept of viewing the Earth as a sister rather than a mother, and she encourages us to explore the parallels between our experiences and the planet’s.
Hoodoo for Everyone w— Sherry Shone
Sherry Shone is a Black, Lesbian Hoodoo worker with years of experience helping clients receive deliverance using Hoodoo rituals, products, readings, clearings and classes. She sees Hoodoo as an accessible healing modality that people of all identities can practice responsibly. Her new book, HooDoo for Everyone is Hoodoo, updated: history, foundations, spellwork and spiritual guidance made accessible to everyone, inclusive of all backgrounds and genders; it offers everything you need to understand and responsibly practice Hoodoo: rituals, conjure, rootwork, divination, herbs, plants and ancestor work.
Infinitely Embodied Time + Creativity w— Vyana Novus
Vyana Novus + Mary Grace connect over the power of creativity to anchor us to the present and experiences of multi-dimensional time. Vyana also generously shares about healing from abuse, trauma and addiction and the experience of an NDE, which happened while becoming a parent.
Beloved Economies & 7 Practices to Cultivate Economic Imagination w— Jess Rimington
Next-economy strategist + practitioner Jess Rimington joins us today to talk about the power of imagination to transform work and economies. Her new book Beloved Economies is a beautiful and visionary co-creative undertaking that brings together powerful research that shows us 7 Practices that help us redesign our economic world.
Creating with the Underworld w— Emily Prentice
Today, we’re diving deep into the Underworld to see what tools, teachings + resources it has for us in all seasons of life. Emily Prentice joins us to talk about the inevitable change the Underworld brings us, how our creative practices can be a practice for embracing joy and what is and is not our responsibility as mere mortals.
Experience the World as Alive w— herbalist Sarah Corbett of Rowan + Sage
What does animism mean? This episode with herbalist + astrologer Sarah Corbett guides us into a story where humans are the stewards, caretakers and community of all beings around us and offers simple steps to make our way back to that reality.
A Soundwalk w— Artist Erin Palovick
Artist Erin Palovick introduces you to a Sound Walk — how to do it, where it comes from and why does it matter? You’ll hear curated sounds from her collected listening and a series of prompts so you can go out into the world and perform + relate to your own.
Connecting with Nature in a Digital Age w— Kalpana Arias
Are technology + nature separate? At odds? Climate activist + ecosomatics educator Kalpana Arias joins the podcast to talk about embodied regeneration and ways to think more openly at the intersection of tech and climate. She asks us to remember our body as an ecosystem and to see ourselves as a part of the environment we’re in whether we live in the city or not.
The Abundance by Annie Dillard — a poetic book summary by grace allerdice
Seeing, making + trusting the world — 3 themes Annie Dillard’s essay collection, The Abundance.
Grief Threads : How Sewing Can Help Us Heal w— Melissa Word
Sewing as a way of holding grief and mending our hearts. Join artist + facilitator Melissa Word as we dive into embodied ways of reconciling and creativity as a powerful way to be together and move through grief.
Herbalism is a Lifestyle w— Rachelle Robinett
Plants Connect us to Both Science + Magic / Unlocking our Potential to Feel Better / Herbs for Stress, Anxiety + Burnout / Mythbusting Protein
Finding the Courage to Prioritize Rest w— Octavia Raheem
Why It’s Urgent to Rest / Making Room for Joy Now / How Rest Can Boost Intuition + Creativity
Rest + Resources w— Rachelle Knowles
Myth Busting Saturn / Managing Your Energy / Pacing Your Self + Your Vision / Returning to Prayers with Body + Spirit / Reaching Surrender Points
How to Align with your Body + Nature w— Alyssa Benjamin
The Importance of Winter / Ayurveda / Digestion / Finding Joy with Your Food
Dancing with Daimons + the Occulted Body w— Alkistis Dimech
The Occulted Body / Erotic Eschatology / Babalon / Re-Wilding Witchcraft /